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Endometriosis Patients May Still Pregnant This Way

About 30-50% of women who experience endometriosis, also experience fertility problems or infertility. Although it is not easy, but actually there are still ways that can be taken, in order to achieve pregnancy for patients with endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition that can be characterized by pain and cramps in the lower abdomen, menstrual pain, pain during intercourse, and difficulty getting pregnant. This happens because the tissue lining the uterine wall (endometrium), also grows in other organs. Like the intestine, ovary, or pelvic wall. Normally, the endometrium will thicken and decay during menstruation, but in people with endometriosis, tissue that grows in organs other than the uterus cannot decay.

Effect of Endometriosis on Fertility

Here are some reasons why endometriosis is often accompanied by fertility problems or infertility:
  • Influence the ovary or fallopian tube

  • If endometriosis is found in the fallopian tube, then this tissue will prevent the egg from entering the uterus.
  • Damaging the egg and sperm

  • Inflammation that occurs due to endometriosis, can damage the egg and sperm. This condition certainly disrupts fertility and can prevent fertilization.
  • Causing pain during intercourse

  • For women with endometriosis, sexual intercourse can be painful so they are reluctant to do so.
  • The use of birth control pills to relieve symptoms of endometriosis

  • To relieve symptoms, endometriosis sufferers may be given hormone therapy, for example through birth control pills. Unfortunately, taking birth control pills will prevent pregnancy.
  • Surgery can reduce the chances of pregnancy

  • Under conditions that are quite severe, endometriosis tissue needs to be removed through surgery. The goal is that pain can be overcome. Even so, this operation may need to be done more than once, so that scar tissue can form in the surgical scar. This can increase the risk of fertility problems, especially in very severe cases, it is possible to remove the uterus.

Pregnancy Efforts for Women with Endometriosis

Although endometriosis can interfere with fertility and possibly get pregnant, don't give up right away. Consult your doctor about the condition of endometriosis that you experience and the right pregnancy plan for you to live. The doctor will conduct a series of examinations to determine the most appropriate pregnancy planning. The choice of method for planning a pregnancy or pregnancy program, will be adjusted according to factors that affect infertility, age, and the severity of endometriosis. Here are some methods that might be recommended:
  • Artificial insemination

  • Artificial insemination or intrauterine insemination (IUI), usually recommended for women with endometriosis who are still relatively mild, normal fallopian tubes and have a partner with good sperm quality. This effort is usually supported by administering fertility drugs.
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF) or IVF

  • Another recommended method is in vitro fertilization (IVF) or IVF. IVF is usually done if the pregnancy effort through IUI and fertility drugs is not successful. However, women over the age of 35, have stage 3 or 4 endometriosis, and have more than one factor that increases the risk of infertility, it is usually recommended to undergo IVF directly.
  • Operation

  • Surgical removal of endometrial tissue from organs other than the uterus can be carried out to reduce pain due to endometriosis and increase fertility. Even so, as explained above, surgery risks creating scar tissue which actually increases the risk of fertility disorders.
Before deciding to undergo surgery, make sure you understand the positive and negative sides of this operation, so you can carefully consider the benefits and risks. Pregnancies with endometriosis are indeed more at risk of complications than normal pregnancies, such as premature birth, placental disorders, and preeclampsia. However, you can anticipate this risk and minimize it with a thorough examination with a doctor. Other good news, not a few women with this condition who managed to give birth to a healthy baby. The key, discuss with your doctor about the condition of endometriosis that you experience, and your pregnancy plans. Thus, doctors can provide advice and appropriate actions to overcome complaints, while supporting your pregnancy plans.


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